Thursday, April 21, 2016

A visit to Sawali bal anath ashram

One day we got a marriage invitation of our relative. Excited to know where the venue was we just turned over the card. The landmark was near "Sawali Bal Ashram" and immediately we surfed over the net to know d more about the Ashram. But we could not find much but just directions and address so we decided to previsit the Orphanage. From many days we were searching for orphanage and unexpectedly we could find one and within our reach. The main motive was to donate something and let Varad know how it goes.  We went there and inquired about how they accept the donation. We could not meet the main person but we got his phone number. We were very confused as it did not look like an orphanage. We decided to visit it on Sunday and help the institution. Ronald Regan once said "we cant help everyone, but everyone can help someone". We met the concerned person Mr. and Mrs. Mahesh Ahiwale. After talking to him we got to know some points. Mr. & Mrs. Ahiwale were working in a firm at Pune. Mr. Ahiwale was a project manager in a very good firm, Mrs. Ahiwale was also working. But after some years after realization of some situations and small children they decided to leave their job and work for orphans. Look at the guts, one will think thousand times for such a step. Hatsoff to Mr. & Mrs. Ahiwale. Usually an orphanage is a residential institution devoted to the care and development of children whose parents are unable of unwilling to take care of them. They started this Sawali bal ashram from 1997. Currently there are 25 children from 3 -14 years of which only 1 was boy and rest all girls. Mr. & Mrs. Ahiwale let 22 girls get married with the good boys. When we went there they called all the kids . There was such a discipline, all came in a line and sat according to their fixed sequence. They all sang a song for us, the chorus sound was amazing.   The children well disciplined. When asked how did you expanded till date Mr. Ahiwale told, many people give donations in different ways. But still it is not enough so he uses his own income for development of children. All children are going to school. After talking to him we realized that a man's true wealth is the good he does to others in this world.  He seemed to be so happy and contented for the work he is doing. We donated some grossery to the sawali orphanage. Actually it did not look like a orphanage as the children were living so nicely and with care for each other. The best part of the ashram was they did not placed a board or plate or directions for their place. After asking this to Mr. Ahiwale he said "I have done it purposely as while crossing sawali the children should not get the feeling that they stay in ashram, this is their home". He also took care of the mentality of the children. I was very shocked for his sentence. We decided to help institutions like this as and when we get chance in different ways. Mother Teresa also said "If you cant feed a hundred people, then just feed one". It was just an amazing experience visiting this orphanage. When I shared this experience with my friends, I got to know that one of my friend Mr. Samay Omanwar who just joined cognizant donated his first salary to an educational institute. Many people enjoy their first salary as they want, even I did and later realized but good work Samay. He is helping for such a institute in Pune from last many years by arranging different activities and conducting programs. I will insist my friends and relatives please do help in any way you want it gives us satisfaction...

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Respect and Relationship

Someone said "You can't force someone to respect you, But you can refuse to be disrespected". Sorry I could not recall the one who wrote this quote. Is it really needed to prove that you are worth respecting? Just be true to yourself and people will realize that you are a person that is not a hypocrite and has nothing to hide. Any relationship is all about respect. Relationship lasts when there is an immense respect in it. Mood swings affects relationships. Many people say mood swings in relationship are normal. No one is in happy mood all the time. But what if someone is frequently suffering from mood swings? It depends on the activities that are happening in your life. When something pleasant happens to you-you smile, laugh, express happiness but when unpleasant-you frown, get angry, express unhappiness. Many times all of a sudden we shout at someone only because we want that thing to be perfect. But only because of expressing unhappiness someone is blamed and misunderstood. This should not happen in a relation. Don't expect much in a relation. Our dear ones are very precious so handle with care, yes do handle with care because emotions for every individual are different. Some take life seriously, some take it sincerely. Try to support in any way but in return if you feel the support do appreciate, it will make your relation more stronger. One should feel secure in a relationship. Because of this security one respects or disrespects a relation. O God please give everyone with the strong positive security. Many individuals has multitasking capability but that does not mean that you should expect multitasking with someone. God has gifted every one with different emotions, different way of thinking, different priorities, different environment etc.. so don't take anyone granted and preserve the relation so that it will last long long. I am very glad that my husband appreciate me, my writing, my activities. A blessed relation...

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Mind At Peace..

 It was sunday morning and we(Me, Husband Sachin, Son Varad and Sis-in-law Rohini) were getting bored, so my husband said lets visit a temple which is on a hill in Baramati. After this visit we just drove on to Bhigwan road for time pass. We didn't had any plans but we were trying to make one. We had lunch at around 1 pm. While doing lunch I was just surfing through the net and found a place near Bhigwan. A bird watching point, Flemingo point at Kumbhargaon near Bhigwan. We started towards Flemingo point and reached at backwater of Ujni dam. This flemingo point is famous specially for Flemingo birds during winter. But at that point 270 types of migrated birds have been discovered by the bird lovers. The Guide Sandeep Nagare who is interested in birds has all information of these 270 types of birds. He took us from Kumbhargaon to other side of backwater to see Flemingo birds through boat. Birds migrate from northern Himalayas towards south for safety, breeding and food as climate is not good at north. These birds migrate in groups. While traveling in a boat he guided us with all the birds on the way. We saw Grey Heron, Painted Storks, Black Ibis, Sea Gulls and many more on the way. The soothing sound of birds is really peaceful.  Varad enjoyed the boat ride and birds. And at last the group of flemingos... It was like woww.. Someone once said "Seeing is Believing" and that is it.. 4 feet long birds, pink legs, pinkish orange body, white-black color inside feathers, long long neck. I have only seen some common birds till date like pigeon, sparrow, parrot, peacock etc but migrated birds are awesome. Flemingo birds are pure vegetarian, they only eat spirogyra. When two flemingoes stand opposite and necks half upside it use to form a heart shape. Human beings are great in their own eyes, but are not much in the eyes of nature. When they open their feathers we can see the combination of orange, pink, white and black which is beautiful, beauty in its purest form. It is a peaceful experience to watch these birds. We were very disappointed that we could not get our cam as it was on the spot plan but where ever possible we clicked it with phone cams. But at the same time very happy to see birds from such a close distance. We were very lucky as we could experience this for more than 15 minutes. After reaching home we all were very happy as our sunday was worth spending at Bhigwan. And once again, January end we are planning to visit the same place. A must visit, a must watch birds and worth watching and spending a day. Even though we are not a bird lovers after watching these we became bird lovers and hats off to the nature and Gods creativity.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


This is my very first blog. People usually write blogs to share articles. I don't exactly know why I am writing this one. May be I want to note something.. Everyone for some matter needs an emotional support. Its not wrong in fact if you get that you feel you are more in control of your life. The role of present is not to compensate or reverse the past but to learn from it and make changes accordingly. I am hating dependency, practical dependency. Many people think "Happiness is Freedom" but no, I don't think so. We are free birds but dependent. While it is not pleasant to be dependent on few people we have around that too for small small things. We need friends to share, family with whom we spare life's greatest moments. Everyone needs help at some point, yes I do need a help but that is different. Just don't want to be an emotional beggar.  Is it really hard to be independent?. No one is completely independent but too much dependency is embarrassing. Proud moments are appreciated, being independent is one of that. Its long time and high time..